What small and medium sized business owners need to know about the best way to manage their workforce's schedules
Many business owners are looking for ways to increase their productivity. If you're one of them, then it's time to look into employee scheduling software! Employee scheduling software is a type of organizational tool that can help your employees know when they should be at work. It also helps employers plan the timing and duration of breaks, lunch periods, and overtime hours so that employees don't get burnt out or tired from working too much in a row. In this post, we will talk about what employee scheduling software is all about and how it works. We'll also discuss why you might want to use it for your business as well as some pros and cons associated with using this type of software. Finally, we'll touch on the best times during the workday for employees to take breaks, go home, and eat lunch. Let's get started!
So what exactly is employee scheduling software? It is a type of useful organizational tool that can help your business run more smoothly by organizing the timing and duration of shifts so that you don't have workers who are burnt out or tired from working too much in a row.
This type of software works by allowing employees to input their desired schedules so that employers can use this information when creating the actual schedule. The scheduling software will then generate a number of possible options for you based upon your employees' preferences, skills, and availability. This type of employee management system is especially helpful if you have several different positions with multiple people working in each one or if your employees have their own schedules that they prefer.
One of the most compelling reasons to use employee scheduling software is because it will help your employees feel more satisfied with their work. When workers have a better balance in terms of when they are working and how much work time they have, then chances are that you'll see them being happier at work overall. In fact, this type of software has been shown to increase employee satisfaction by nearly 30%.
Employee scheduling software can also help improve your business's bottom line because it will increase productivity. This is due to the fact that employees won't be burnt out by having too much work in a row and they'll actually look forward to going into work!
Now you know what employee scheduling software all about and how it works, but there are still some things you might want to know about this type of organizational tool before starting to use it.
For instance, one thing that you'll have to consider is the cost—employee scheduling software, while there are free options, can be a significant investment for your business and may not be something that every company will be able or willing to afford. In addition, just because you have this type of software doesn't mean that you can put in any ol' schedule and expect it to work for your business. Your employees will need to input their schedules into the system so that they know when they are working each day, which means that you'll likely need some time and resources devoted towards helping them learn how to use the software.
Another thing that you'll want to remember is that there will be a learning curve for both your employees and yourself as the business owner. It might take some time before everyone gets acclimated with using this type of software, but it's worth it because in the end, everyone should feel more satisfied with their work.
The best times for your staff to take a break, eat lunch, and go home can vary from business to business based upon the industry that you're in as well as your employees' physical needs. However, there are some general rules of thumb that should apply. For instance, it's usually best for people who work outside or have other physically demanding jobs to get their breaks and meals during the middle of their shifts. This is because it can be easier and consequently more efficient if those employees eat lunch once they return to work from a break rather than taking another long break time at the beginning or end of their shift.
However, if your employees are sedentary or simply can't take their breaks in the middle of their shifts due to other factors (such as having too many customers), then it's probably fine for them to split up their meal times between these two parts of the day.
Some companies also like to make sure that workers get enough rest during overnight shifts because those employees have a higher risk of getting tired and having accidents as a result. In these cases, it's often best for workers to go home earlier than usual so that they can get the rest that their bodies need in order to be productive the next day at work.
While there is a lot of employee scheduling software out there to consider, finding the right one might not be as easy as it seems. The best way for you to narrow down your search and find the best solution for your company is by looking at what features you would like to have, how much money you are willing and able to spend on such a tool, and which companies provide this type of software.
To help make a decision based on your business needs, contact us for a free consultation and we can go through a few of your best options!